Flying the United States Flag at Half-Staff
For information about recent Federal half-staff notifications, please visit our Half-staff Notifications Archive by clicking here >>
Raising the American flag at the beginning of the day
Raise the flag to the top of the staff for a few moments and then slowly lower it to half-staff. Half-staff is considered about midway between the top and bottom of the pole.
Lowering the American flag at the end of the day
First raise the flag from half-staff to the top of the staff for a moment and then lower it to the bottom of the pole.
When to fly the United States flag at half-staff
- Flag will be flown half-staff for 30 days following the death of the President of the United States.
- Flag will be flown half-staff for 10 days following the death of:
- the Vice President of the United States
- Current or retired Chief Justice of the United States
- Speaker of the House of Representatives.
- Flag will be flown half-staff from the day of death until interment following the death of:
- Associate Justice of the Supreme Court
- Secretary of an executive or military department
- Former Vice President
- Governor of a State, territory or possession.
- Flag will be flown half-staff on the day of death and the following day for any Member of Congress.
- Flag will be flown half-staff on Peace Officers Memorial Day.
- By Presidential order, the flag shall be flown at half-staff upon the death of principal figures of the United States Government and the Governor of a State, territory, or possession.
- By Presidential order, the flag shall be flown at half-staff upon the death of other officials or foreign dignitaries.
- By order the Governor of a State, territory or possession may proclaim that the United States Flag be flown at half-staff in the event of death of a present or former official of the government of the State, territory or possession.
Fly the American flag at half-staff on these days
- Firefighters Memorial Day - Sunday on or before October 9
- Memorial Day (half-staff until noon) - last Monday in May
- Patriot Day - September 11
- Peace Officers Memorial Day - May 15 (unless that day is also Armed Forces Day)
- Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day - December 7
Unable to fly your flag at half-staff?
There are many situations and circumstances which prevent a flag from being flown at half-staff, here is an alternative rooted in tradition...